Kay Bowser

Sep 30, 20193 min

My Purpose

What is my purpose?

This seems like a loaded question to me as a wife, mother, author. I guess you could say that I have three purposes, really. I want to be a great wife to my husband, and I want to be a support and encourager to him and all of his life goals--especially the ones that God has given him. I also want to be a great mother to my children. This is hard. There are so many things that go into being a mother. I have to be aware of so much, and I have to keep track of more than just my life I have two more on my plate and even sometimes three when my husband needs me. I have a lot on my plate as a mother and a wife. But being an author and trying to make it soar is a whole other beast to tackle. It is a business with all the trimmings and challenges that go along with that. Details... Talk about details! Plus I am an introvert training to be an extrovert. Yeah, difficult.

But, with all that what is my purpose? To be a wife? To be a mother? To be a writer? Or None of the above? I know that I was called to be an author before I was married. Should my priority be set there?

All of them are my part of my purpose to be the best Christian woman I can be. I was called to be an author first, but when I got married my priority shifted to my husband after God. Then my children arrived one after the other and my writing had to take the backseat again. I need writing. I couldn’t stop writing. And I know that God called me to write and to provide books for the young adults of this generation. But humans are more important than hobbies and things.

My husband is the head of my home. His God-given callings are mine as well since becoming married we became essentially one. Then my children need to be trained now while they are young, not when they are old and stubborn. They need to know that God loves them now before they get into terrible trouble with seemingly no way out.

So, in the cracks of time that I find. I will write and write for all I am worth and pray that God makes it good enough to grab readers and be a blessing to them. I write fiction, so I probably won't be transforming anyone’s life... But, I will be providing safe entertainment where essentially there is very little.

This is very hard to juggle--to fulfill all of my roles in perfect balance. I have yet to find that perfect balance. Also, after having a baby in the middle of writing a novel, I discovered that babies put quite the wrinkle into a person’s plans. Even though getting married and having kids has made it difficult to write and even publish as fast and efficiently as I would like, I haven't had to quit this part of my calling on my life. I have had to adjust how I went about it; and, yes, there are many days when I don't get my daily dose of writing in, but I have been so very blessed anyway for keeping my priorities right. I ask God daily for wisdom in helping me order my life in the right way, and He has blessed me with a happy family, a happy life, and He has dropped so much helpful information into my lap for my business that I have learned so much and progressed so much farther in my field ‘on my own’ than I ever could’ve truly on my own. Part of His blessings in this area as only God could provide: my husband has Photoshop and website design skills that would cost us a fortune if I were to hire this work out. My website and business are still in progress, but I am further along today with God working for me than I ever could have been on my own.

Monday Motivation: Let God tell you your calling, and prioritize your life according to His blueprint (the Bible). Let Him bless you at His pace. You’ll be amazed!

Thanks for reading! I hope it was an encouragement to you! ‘Til next Monday ;D

The Serum Revelation has begun the editing phases!
What do you think the cover will/should look like? Drop your comments below and let me know! I’d love to hear what you think. ;)

What's your purpose? Start striving toward your God-given goals today!
