Kay Bowser

Dec 3, 20185 min

Rest! It's ok.

Rest. It’s ok. I have to remind myself of this often these days.

Being pregnant in the throws of the nesting instinct, rest is a very hard thing to accomplish. Even if my body stops moving, my mind continues on planning out everything that needs doing yet. Everything that is a huge task and not really that important in the grand scheme of things demands my attention just as much as the truly important things.

I want to celebrate everyone’s upcoming birthdays right now. I want to do a complete spring cleaning in my house (closets, rooms, vacuuming, dusting, organizing, the garage, landscaping), finish all the decorating, complete mine and my husband’s wedding/first-year-of-marriage album (yes, this isn’t done yet; we were expecting our daughter right away after the honeymoon - been crazy since then ;) and get my daughter’s album done through her first year and ready for her birthday right now. I even want to shop for my son’s baby registry myself to be sure I get everything he needs right now and set it all up before he is born. This is all in the attempt to have nothing on my plate when he gets here. Illogical. Yes, I know.

All of these demands that I put on myself is just unreasonable for anyone, pregnant or otherwise. My dear Heavenly Father has repeatedly been reminding me that it is ok to rest. It is ok if something doesn’t get done when my son arrives. Those things will get done when the time is right.

My daughter is trying out her range of emotions and attitudes as well as delightfully in the mood to learn. This also keeps me busy and frustrates my attempts at accomplishing some daily chores. Again, my Heavenly Father reminds me to rest in Him. My daughter was given to me when she was and is developing at this pace in His perfect timing. I need to take a “chill pill” with my morning cup of Tazo Zen tea and go along for the ride. He will get me through it all: the never-ending work load, my daughter’s attitudes, and my husband’s needs. He’ll even get me through this pregnancy. ;)

When I feel that my emotions are getting the best of me, that my nesting is taking over my brain and throwing logic out the back door, I need to stop. I need to stop dead in my tracks. Pray and ask God to wipe my mind clean and clear and realign my priorities.

Who should be first on the list to please? God, duh. Have I spent time with Him? Read my Bible or prayed today? Better question. Have I prayed something other than, “Help me!” while dashing to the next chore and then back because I didn’t finish because I needed to “tend” to my daughter? Did I pray for someone else today besides myself? Especially my husband and children? If not, this needs to happen immediately.

Then I prioritize the rest of my life according to God’s Word: the roles He has given me. Second, after being a Christian, God’s child - my relationship with Him - is my spouse, my husband. Has my husband asked me to do anything specific? Then I do that. Is his meal ready for the next day? (Normally, I like to do this after supper.) What about the particular chore that he prefers done? I need to make sure that gets done as soon as possible.

My next role is a mother. Is my oldest daughter clothed and dressed? Has she had quiet time while I was talking with God? After that, throughout the day I just do my best not to ignore her and make sure she gets her two other meals and nap. We do our best as a mother, but that’s all we can offer. I really should be praying harder for my daughter, for her soul to be given to the Lord as soon as possible. The sooner the Lord becomes her Saviour the sooner He will be able to influence her heart directly. In the meantime, I pray that God picks up the pieces where I fail. I have to trust her ultimately to His care.

My son in my womb, well, I just try to eat right and take my vitamins and not consume too much caffeine, so I can sleep at night. Of course, I pray for him as well. I’m certainly not worrying about his birth near as much as I was in the beginning. (My first experience was pretty stinking awful.) So, this in and of itself is an accomplishment.

After my relationship with God is where it should be and my family is cared for, I focus on my church ministries. I have a rather large responsibility as the bus secretary for our church’s bus ministry for my town. Even in this, I need to also do my best and rely on God for the product of success.

As for the rest of my life, I do my best to only schedule about two goals extra to my daily routine. I leave the rest up to God. I have to… or I would go insane. ;)

Reader, I’d love your prayers for my son’s birth to go better and nesting to give me a break. ;) I’m doing my best to listen to my body, to not push it too hard. I already have as I’m typing this fighting a cold/sinus infection. Not taking enough vitamin C, I guess. I need to rest when I need to and not feel guilty about it. My limits are mine. Everyone else has their own limits. I only see a glimpse into their lives. I shouldn’t be comparing myself to them. Not that I should be comparing at all… But, you understand, right?

God encourages rest in Him and calm recreation to refresh and renew us. It’s necessary.

Monday Motivation: Even in this hectic holiday season, we ought to do our best in our work, then take time away from everything and everyone for time with God to renew our spirit and mental health. Really, that should be first even before our work. (We will be more effective that way.) We need to take some time to do something fun by ourselves and with our family - our spouse and kids.

Rest. It’s ok. It’s necessary, and God tells us to do it. Don’t become lazy, but be sure to take time to rest when you need it. ;)

I will! Feel free to join me.

P.S. Keep your eyes peeled in the upcoming weeks for December 17th -- The Serum Deception will be officially released in paperback format! Be sure to get your copy and maybe get it as a gift for your reading buddies.

"See, I'm doin' it."
