Kay Bowser

Nov 18, 20194 min

Why I Write

It’s my sanity, folks.

I have to write. It is in me to write and write and write. My brain never stops. When I say that I have an overactive imagination… I mean I have like a really overactive imagination. I can come up with new story ideas daily.

I actively work at corralling my creative energies towards current writing projects or creative ways to entertain my kids. I’m actually not very good at being a fun mom. I’m great at tickling and writing stories. I could probably tell a story on the fly if it was just me and the kids and hubby wasn’t home to witness it, but making weird sounds… yeah, terrible. I have had to practice those; but, yes, I get self-conscious even with my two and a half-year-old and my seven-month-old. Feel free to chuckle at me. Yes, it’s silly but true.

Anyways. My mind continually develops stories or dwells on characters or works to create a more suspenseful plot. I get wrapped up in daydreams constantly. If I’m not currently writing one of my numerous novels, then my mind fights to dwell on another one or overwhelm my brain with a new and more exciting plotline than the one I’m currently trying to put down on “paper.”

Not paper actually. I type my books. I think too fast for my fingers. I’m lucky that I can read my typing. Handwriting my story would be a lost cause. I wouldn’t even know what I meant to say. Since I am evidently a pantser--writer that flies by the seat of her pants--rather than a plotter--preplanned writing essentially--I wouldn’t even have notes to reference. I can’t plot. If I know what’s going to happen then there’s no purpose in writing the story. I would be disinterested and the quality and excitement wouldn’t be there. I would be unable to enjoy the work. It would just be work. EW!

Taking time to write my novel removes the built-up stress and emotional strain from however long it’s been since I had last written. Writing helps me as a person to be more emotionally stable thus improving the quality of the kind of wife, mother, and human, in general, that is me. My husband and children “thank” me. My husband actually tries to supply me with the time to write when he can because he is starting to realize the real need this is for me. He will play with the kids somewhere else for a while allowing me to frantically type a messy 1500-3000 words before he comes for me in an hour/hour and a half.

Besides being a sanity saver, an outlet for my never-ending ideas, writing my novels is my way of providing the clean, gripping, unique, and God-honoring plots I had been searching for when I was a teen/young adult. I searched for new plots and clean structure constantly since I constantly read and devoured books like crazy.

I became very discouraged. What was available was either inappropriate language or sexually inappropriate scenarios or just plain gross. Or the non-God-honoring storylines. I write this as my option and conviction not to bash anyone: vampires and zombies. These are gross and just plain unnecessary topics. I’ll be honest, I almost got sucked into it all because everyone else was doing it, but I couldn’t justify it against:

Philippians 4:8 KJV

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

Because even in the Christian selections the options were severely limited, I began to write my novels and have since published two of my young-adult sci-fi Serum Trilogy and am in the process of editing book three: The Serum Revelation. I aim to flood the industry with clean and gripping plots that God would be proud to say were written by His daughter. I aim to please Him first, but I hope that my fiction is a wild, unique ride that will spread like wildfire because of the stark relief in the Christian fiction drought from my childhood.

Adults, I have fiction coming for you, too. I also aim for a unique, clean experience that will please your heart and mind with a satisfying rush of adventure, having tried something new. Fiction is our opportunity to get out of the real world and jump into a little bit of the impossible to spice up our life. We often don’t have the chance to travel, so this is our way of adventuring from the comfort of home.

Monday Motivation: Be willing to let God determine if what you’re reading pleases Him. Be willing to have a higher standard than the rest of your friends. Pleasing Him should be our number one.

I work towards this, but I still fail on occasion. With this business, I aim to please Him because I believe that it is His desire that He has given me the privilege to bring to fruition.

Stayed tuned here, on my website, and my facebook page for updates on upcoming novels and the status of current ones!

Happy Monday!!
